b'RS PRO BOT All RS PRO BOT videos can be found on YouTube. THE NEW STAR ON YOUTUBEA RS PRO originalmay we introduce our newFor Massimiliano Rottoli, who developed the character brand ambassador: the RS PRO BOT. The RSof the little robot with his team, the RS PRO BOT per-PRO BOT was launched in May 2020 with a bigfectly embodies the values of our own brand RS PRO: media campaign and is the new face of our name brand"The quality of each application depends on the quality RS PRO. Many customers have taken to the endearingof each individual part. Details matter. This attention to little robot just as quickly as we did. His reliable, profes- detail, reliability and qualitythat\'s what RS PRO and sional but also cheerful demeanour make him the perfectour RS PRO BOT stand for." brand ambassador. On our YouTube channel you can nd several animated videos showing the RS PRO BOT in action. In elaborately animated videos we accompany our new main character to certication of RS PRO products. Every RS PRO pro-duct that gets the RS PRO quality seal needs to undergo an extensive quality control. Such as the screwdriver that the little robot has subjected to many tests in one of the videos. The RS quality seal stands for tested quality and adheres to strict rules. Our testing process detects and eliminates potential product aws or manufacturing de-fects. This is how we ensure that RS PRO products com-ply with current industry standards, and the inspection of the screwdriver by our RS PRO BOT is just as rigorous. Whether heat, cold, or pressure, the screwdriver is tested under all conditions. Only after passing every test, the little robot awards it the seal of approval for excellent quality.'