b'PNEUMATICSPNEUMATICSRS MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS RS CALIBRATIONRemove the doubt from your equipmentThe RS Maintenance Solutions suite ofWe offer an array of service solutions to fulfil all Confidence in the accuracy of your equipment predictive maintenance solutions improveyour maintenance needs. is vital. Our UKAS ISO17025 accredited asset reliability and help you develop andcalibration laboratory helps to ensure the gain control of your maintenance strategy,Below are the three areas covered by ourcompliance and accuracy of your instruments, ensuring risks are mitigated before theymaintenance solutions, combining onsite serviceswhether you purchased these from RS or become plant-stoppers. and laboratory analysis. elsewhere. Our service provides full traceability to either national or international standards through either RS or UKAS certification.AIR LEAK SURVEYSCALIBRATION AIR LEAKOIL ANALYSIS Reducing energy usage and lossOur UKAS accredited SURVEYS All oil samples are Ultrasonic air leak inspections can help create lab means you never again analysed by a team massive financial and carbon savings with a rapid need doubt the accurancy Can help you cut costs and of ICML certified payback period. One of the most cost-effective of your equipment reduce energy consumption RS scientists ways to get the most out of your compressed and losses air system is to repair leaks. Adopting a plant-wide ultrasonic air leak survey is a great way of both identifying and quantifying the size and cost of those leaks, utilising local site energy cost information and detailing equivalent CO2 savings.OIL ANALYSISSpot potential issues earlyOil analysis is an excellent indicator of issues developing within a mechanical system. A single, detailed analysis of an oil sample can be a valuable preventative maintenance tool. Trending wear, contamination and lubricant chemistry all provide insight into potential problems before they escalate to become a more serious issue.Our ICML certified oil scientists will assess your oil sample in our purpose-built lab.MAINTENANCESOLUTIONS8 iieerrssoonnlliinneeccoomm ie.rs-online.com 9'