b'Take your PressureTake your Pressure Calibration to the next level Calibration to the next levelThe Process Calibration range from Druck has been leading in reliable,The Process Calibration range from Druck has been leading in reliable, accurate and easy to use calibration tools and instruments at every levelaccurate and easy to use calibration tools and instruments at every level for 50 years. for 50 years.The Essential range provides rugged, accurate and easytouse test andThe Essential range provides rugged, accurate and easytouse test and calibration tools, Expert introduces higher accuracy and more functionality andcalibration tools, Expert introduces higher accuracy and more functionality and the Elite range provides a modular system offering stateoftheart multifunctionthe Elite range provides a modular system offering stateoftheart multifunction communicator and calibrator. For a Unified approach, link with our 4Sight2 softwarecommunicator and calibrator. For a Unified approach, link with our 4Sight2 software to provide seamless calibration management. to provide seamless calibration management.Copyright 2022 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved. Copyright 2022 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved. ThTe Ehe Esssesnetinatl riaal rnagnege ThTe Ehe Expxeprt rerat rnagnege ThTe Ehe Elite rlite ranagnege to provide seamless calibration management. to provide seamless calibration management. communicator and calibrator. For a Unified approach, link with ourcommunicator and calibrator. For a Unified approach, link with our 4Sight24Sight2 softwaresoftwarethe the EliteElite range provides a modular system offering stateoftheart multifunction range provides a modular system offering stateoftheart multifunctioncalibration tools, ExpertExpertintroduces higher accuracy and more functionality andintroduces higher accuracy and more functionality andcalibration tools, range provides rugged, accurate and easytouse test andThe The EssentialEssential range provides rugged, accurate and easytouse test andfor 50 years. for 50 years. accurate and easy to use calibration tools and instruments at every levelaccurate and easy to use calibration tools and instruments at every leve lThe Process Calibration range from Druck has been leading in reliable,The Process Calibration range from Druck has been leading in reliable,Calibration to the next level Calibration to the next level Take yourTake your PPrersesessusrururuere e MESSTECHNIK Riemen - Ausrichtungswerkzeuge Laser - Riemenausrichtwerkzeug mit Magnethalterung von SKF, mit rotem oder grnem StrahlTake your PressureTake yourPressureZum Einstellen von Riemenspannung und AusrichtungFluke 805 Bringen Sie Ihre Kalibrierungvon Keilriemen, Zahnriemen und Kettenrdern Vibrationsmessgert The Elite range The Elite rangeZuverlssigstes SchwingungsmessgertDadurch reduzieren Sie erheblich Vibrationen, Calibration to the next level Calibration to the next levelLrm, Lager- und Riemenscheibenverschleissdes Drucks auf die nchste Stufe auf dem Markt Reduziert Messabweichungen, die durch Messwinkel oder Kontaktdruck beeinflusst werdenThe Process Calibration range from Druck has been leading in reliable,The Process Calibration range from Druck has been leading in reliable,Konsistente Datenqualitt sowohl im Das Prozesskalibrierungssortiment von Druck ist seit 50 Jahren fhrend beiHoch- als auch im Niederfrequenzbereichaccurate and easy to use calibration tools and instruments at every levelaccurate and easy to use calibration tools and instruments at every levelFehlergrad - Skala mit vier Stufen, zuverlssigen, genauen und einfachen Test & Kalibrierungswerkzeugen undum die Dringlichkeit von Problemen for 50 years. for 50 years. bei Gesamtschwingung und -instrumenten auf allen Ebenen. Lagerzustand zu bewertenThe Essential range provides rugged, accurate and easytouse test andThe Essential range provides rugged, accurate and easytouse test and calibration tools, Expert The Expert range calibration tools, Expert The Expert rangeDie Essential-Reihe bietet robuste, genaue und einfach zu bedienende Test- und Kalibrierungswerkzeuge,821-5077 KBA, 10 Riemen-Ausrichtwerkzeug, Laser rotHF. 1687.226 introduces higher accuracy and more functionality andT introduces higher accuracy and more functionality and C die Expert-Reihe bietet hhere Genauigkeit und mehr Funktionalitt und die Elite-Reihe bietet ein modulares21-5086richtwerkzeug, Laser grnCHF. 1940.826 the Elite range provides a modular system offering stateoftheart multifunctionthe Elite range provides a modular system offering stateoftheart multifunction 8TKBA, 20 Riemen-AusTake your Pressure4Sight2 softwareTake yourPressureFluke 805 SchwingungsmessgertCHF. 2371.941 System mit einem hochmodernen Multifunktions-Kommunikator und Kalibrator. Kommunikator und communicator and calibrator. For a Unified approach, link with ourcommunicator and calibrator. For a Unified approach, link with our 4Sight2 software Kalibrator auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik. Fr einen einheitlichen Ansatz verbinden Sie sich mit Inspektionskamera to provide seamless calibration management. to provide seamless calibration management.Calibration to the next level Calibration to the next levelunserer 4Sight2-Software um ein nahtloses Kalibrierungsmanagement zu ermglichen.Zur Inspektion unzugnglicher Bereiche, durch robuste 1 m Sonde 811-1397Deutliche Bilderdarstellung auf einem 2,4" LC - Display, Auflsung 480234 Pixel Fluke TiS55+ Mit LED - Arbeitslicht einstellbarer Intensitt WrmebildkameraThe Process Calibration range from Druck has been leading in reliable,The Process Calibration range from Druck has been leading in reliable,Wrmebildkamera mit 384288 Pixel Auflsung, Messbereich bis 550 Caccurate and easy to use calibration tools and instruments at every levelaccurate and easy to use calibration tools and instruments at every levelMit Asset Tagging, zum Vergleichen von The Essential range The Essential rangeauf dem Touchscreenaufgenommenen Bildern im Zeitverlauf for 50 years. for 50 years.IR Fusion IS3- und AVI - Videoaufzeichnung The Essential range provides rugged, accurate and easytouse test andThe Essential range provides rugged, accurate and easytouse test and und Taupunktberechnungcalibration tools, Expert introduces higher accuracy and more functionality andcalibration tools, Expert introduces higher accuracy and more functionality and The Elite range The Elite rangeElite-Reihe the Elite range provides a modular system offering stateoftheart multifunction the Elite range provides a modular system offering stateoftheart multifunction communicator and calibrator. For a Unified approach, link with our 4Sight2 softwarecommunicator and calibrator. For a Unified approach, link with our 4Sight2 software Copyright 2022 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved. Copyright 2022 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved.to provide seamless calibration management. to provide seamless calibration management.1 RS PRO LED VideoskopCHF. 178.545 92-4383Testo 470 Tachometer 215-3173 Fluke TiS55+ WrmebildkameraCHF. 5264.608Optische und mechanische Drehzahlmessung mit Einhandbedienung Messbereich 199999 U/min,0,02 % Fluke ii900 Leckdetektor - Speicherung von MIN/MAX- und zuletzt gemessenem Wert SchallkameraThe Expert range The Expert rangeSchwachstellen schnell erkennen mit den Expert-Reihe p Industrie - Kameras von Fluke 7" Industrie-Schallkamera und Leckdetektor Dient zur Lecksuche an Gas-, Druckluft- und VakuumleitungenThe Elite range The Elite rangeLecks werden als Schallabbildung visuell darstelltThe Essential range The Essential rangeEssential-Reihe 327-6395CHF. 318.299 87-6163CHF. 21.050.242 Testo 470, LCD - Tachometer1 Fluke ii900 Leckdetektor-SchallkameraThe Expert range The Expert rangech.rs-online.com Copyright 2022 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved. Copyright 2022 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved.Copyright 2022 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved. The Essential range Copyright 2022 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved. The Expert range Copyright 2022 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved. The Essential range The Elite range The Expert range to provide seamless calibration management. communicator and calibrator. For a Unified approach, link with our 4Sight2 softwarethe Elite range provides a modular system offering stateoftheart multifunctionintroduces higher accuracy and more functionality andcalibration tools, Expert The Essential range provides rugged, accurate and easytouse test andfor 50 years. accurate and easy to use calibration tools and instruments at every levelThe Elite range The Process Calibration range from Druck has been leading in reliable,Calibration to the next level Take your Pressureto provide seamless calibration management. communicator and calibrator. For a Unified approach, link with our 4Sight2 softwarethe Elite range provides a modular system offering stateoftheart multifunctioncalibration tools, Expert introduces higher accuracy and more functionality andThe Essential range provides rugged, accurate and easytouse test andfor 50 years. accurate and easy to use calibration tools and instruments at every levelThe Process Calibration range from Druck has been leading in reliable,Calibration to the next level Take your Pressure13The Essential range The Essential rangeCopyright 2022 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved. Copyright 2022 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved.'