b"PNEUMATICSPNEUMATICSRS MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONSThe RS Maintenance Solutions suite ofThese services range from diagnosis throughCONDITION MONITORINGMANAGED LUBRICATIONpredictive maintenance solutions improveto supply and fit. They turn data into insights asset reliability and help you develop andto predict faults before they become failures,Keep your assets runningKeeping your equipment running smoothly gain control of your maintenance strategy,helping you build resilience into your facility. Our condition monitoring services can helpA well-implemented lubrication programme ensuring risks are mitigated before theyBelow are the six areas covered by ouryou spot signs of significant changes inis one of the most important and most become plant-stoppers. maintenance solutions, combining onsiteequipment that could be indicative of anfrequently overlooked factors with regard We offer an array of fully integrated, end- services, laboratory analysis and cloud basedimpending failure. We work with customersto machine health. Poor application of to-end service solutions to fulfil all yourdigital solutions. to understand their challenges and create alubrication and inadequate record keeping maintenance needs. condition monitoring maintenance strategywill eventually lead to elevated failures, which works for their business, focusesmachine downtime and production losses. on common reliability issues, and keepsOur tailored solution ensures the right budgets on track while maintaining uptime. lubricant, at the right point, at the right timeevery time.CONDITION MANAGED RS CALIBRATIONCALIBRATION Remove the doubt from your equipmentOur UKAS accredited OIL ANALYSISMONITORING LUBRICATION lab means you never again Spot potential issues earlyHelps you spot the Poor application of lubrication need doubt the accurancy Confidence in the accuracy of your signs of an impending will eventually lead to failures of your equipment equipment is vital. Our UKAS ISO17025Oil analysis is an excellent indicator of issues mechanical failure accredited calibration laboratory helps todeveloping within a mechanical system. A ensure the compliance and accuracy ofsingle, detailed analysis of an oil sample can your instruments, whether you purchasedbe a valuable preventative maintenance tool. these from RS or elsewhere. Our serviceTrending wear, contamination and lubricant provides full traceability to either national orchemistry all provide insight into potential international standards through either RS orproblems before they escalate to become a UKAS certification. more serious issue.Our ICML certified oil scientists will assess your oil sample in our OIL ANALYSIS RS ENERGY purpose-built lab.All oil samples are INDUSTRIA RS INDUSTRIAanalysed by a team MANAGEMENT Cloud Connected Condition Monitoringof ICML certified Enables you to unlock the Can help you cut costs and ENERGY MANAGEMENTRS scientists power of your asset data reduce energy consumption RS Industria digitally connects a range ofReducing energy usage and lossand losses different industrial assets and data sources, integrating them into a single point ofWe have a range of services which can help accurate information via our secure on- drive down energy consumption and losses. premises Edge Gateway. Alerts for eitherWe support our customers in utilising the a single asset or a whole process are sentright products and solutions to make their directly to relevant staff, via email, SMSenergy management strategy effective and or app notifications, and further assetstheir operations and plant energy efficient. or production lines can be added as yourOur energy management solutions can be business grows. tailored to your individual needs, and include air leak, steam loss and lighting surveys with the data collected over time providing crucial insight into the site's energy usage.To learn more about these services andMAINTENANCEmake an enquiry either visit maintenance.rs-online.com or scan the QR code SOLUTIONS8 uk.rs-online.com uk.rs-online.com 9"