b'INTELLIGENT & CONNECTED PRODUCTSPNEUMATICSUnmanaged Ethernet Switches AC30 Series FRL Assemblies Great value Ethernet switches with TP RJ45 ports Poor quality, contaminated or under-lubricated air can drastically and data transmission speeds of 10/100 Mbps reduce the operational life of pneumatic actuators. Filter and5-30Vdc supply voltage with autocrossinglubricate air systems correctly to maximise component lifefunction and LEDs: Us, link and activity per portThese filter regulator lubricators have been redevelopedIP-20 polyamide case with removableand feature a double layer, transparent bowl for better TeSys island Digital Load Management screw terminal power block level visibility and extended working life Round Line Cylinder DSNU - - PPS Knowing the current and load status of motor driven systems Various options are available including normally open Very durable cylinder based on ISO 6432 with self-adjusting can provide insight into operational or wear trends, allowingor normally closed auto-drain function, round or squareend-position cushioning and extensive accessoriesimproved maintenance scheduling and reduced downtime pressure gauges and panel mounting kits Wide range of variants for customised applications TeSys island is an innovative, modular, digital load Good running performance and long service lifemanagement solution which provides integrated control, Self-adjusting pneumatic end-position monitoring and diagnostics of low-voltage motor loads cushioning which adapts optimallyAs a connected solution data can flow seamless via Ethernet/IP orto changes in load and speedModbus TCP to HMIs, SCADA or other management systems giving For position sensingoperations and maintenance teams real-time visibility of motor load conditions Scan the QR code to use our Tesys island configurator 144-8673 5 RJ45 Ports - DIN rail mount64.86 121-4726 DSNU-16-20-PPS-A 16mm bore, 20mm stroke52.38226-3243 7 RJ45 Ports - Surface mount98.33 121-4729 DSNU-16-25-PPS-A 16mm bore, 25mm stroke52.46204-8279 TPRBCEIP Ethernet/IP, Modbus TCP Bus coupler, 24 V dc181.00 144-8674 8 RJ45 Ports - DIN rail mount104.09 121-4735 DSNU-16-50-PPS-A 16mm bore, 50mm stroke52.91204-8285 TPRVM001 Voltage Monitoring module, 3 phase152.00 121-4716 DSNU-16-125-PPS-A 16mm bore, 125mm stroke54.14204-8274 TPRPM009 Power Interface Module 4kW58.00 DA10 Data Stations for IIoT 121-4688 DSNU-25-50-PPS-A 25mm bore, 50mm stroke62.32204-8275 TPRPM038 Power Interface Module 18.5kW81.00The DA10 allows you to easily unlock121-4650 DSNU-25-100-PPS-A 25mm bore, 100mm stroke63.57204-8281 TPRPM080 Power Interface Module 37kW147.00 valuable data from legacy equipment and share with the plant floor, enterprise 204-8287 TPRST009 3-pole starter 4kW67.00 or cloud platforms with ease Profile Cylinder DSBC - - PPS204-8289 TPRST025 3-pole starter 11kW82.00Offers native support for over 300AC30-F03-B G 3/8" without pressure gauge industrial drivers, out-of-box OPC UA885-5892 81.13Standards-based cylinders to ISO 15552204-8282 TPRST038 3-pole starter 18.5kW113.00 server capability, and simple point-and- 885-5883 AC30A-F03G-B G 3/8" with pressure gauge80.25Double-acting click configuration of MQTT connectorsFor contactless position sensing204-8291 TPRST065 3-pole starter 30kW200.00Features a USB port for configuration885-5895 AC30-F03D-B G 3/8" without pressure gauge105.48Innovative PPS cushioning: pneumatic 204-8277 TPRST080 3-pole starter 37kW209.00 and 1x RS232, 1x RS232/RS485 and 1xAC30A-F02D-B G " without pressure gaugecushioning, self-adjusting at both ends10/100 BASE-T(X) Ethernet port 885-5886 95.44394-9986 LAD9R1 Reversing Contactor kit18.87 AC30A-F03D-B G 3/8" without pressure gauge No more adjusting cushioning! 885-5889 95.44Extensive range of optionsModicon M262 Motion & Logic Controller 885-5877 AC30A-F02-B G " without pressure gauge71.02 An IIoT ready motion & logic controllerDA1020AG High Flow Pressure Regulators 121-5252 DSBC-32-40-PPSA-N3 32mm bore, 40mm stroke112.24offering class leading connectivity and200-6439 636.303-5ns/Inst processing performanceReducing air pressure can save energy - and therefore cost -121-5230 DSBC-32-100-PPSA-N3 32mm bore, 100mm stroke115.61 Each controller has 4x high speed inputsand extend component life 121-5286 DSBC-40-50-PPSA-N3 40mm bore, 50mm stroke127.70& digital outputs with motion controlSmartMONITOR Monitoring & Andon SolutionIMI Norgren 20AG series protect air operated equipment from versions featuring an Incremental/ over pressurisation and are used for pneumatic applications 121-5282 DSBC-40-400-PPSA-N3 40mm bore, 400mm stroke154.13SSI encoder input, all expandable SmartMONITOR is the smart The high flow pressure regulators guaranteeDSBC-50-50-PPSA-N3 50mm bore, 50mm stroke with Modicon TM3 I/O modules monitoring and data collectionhigh performance with excellent stability 121-5029 146.98 4 ethernet ports acting as a hubsolution for businesses looking to Ported regulators for general purpose and121-4769 DSBC-50-200-PPSA-N3 50mm bore, 200mm stroke161.35including: 2 x Gigabit and 1 x 100Mbpsgather reliable data to optimisehigh flow pneumatic applicationsboth with Ethernet/IP and Modbus TCP manufacturing processesLarge diaphragm provides accurate and quick121-4783 DSBC-50-500-PPSA-N3 50mm bore, 500mm stroke190.10 Provides both an Andon lightresponse to changing flow demands and line wireless solution for call-for-action 201-1450 TM262L10MESE8T - 5ns/inst - Logic968.52 and operational monitoring pressure Compact Cylinder ADN - - PPS A complete plug-n-play solution Balanced valve minimises effect of variations 201-1448 TM262L20MESE8T - 3ns/inst - Logic1,558.06 which can be retrofitted andin inlet pressure on outlet pressureThe compact standard cylinder 201-1476 TM262M15MESS8T - 5 ns/inst - 4 axis Motion1,637.41 offers either manual controlADN/ AEN to ISO 21287201-1491 TM262M25MESS8T - 3 ns/inst - 8 axis Motion2,172.10 or full PC monitoringHighly flexible with wide range of variants Contactless position sensing201-1461 TM262M35MESS8T - 3 ns/inst - 16 axis Motion2,532.43Long service life thanks to innovative self adjusting PPS 3-Phase Monitoring Relay with NFC cushioning and minimal friction184-5123 WIN Wireless Receiver with Ethernet1,542.39 Current monitoring helps indicate potential failures before they occur - allowing for planned184-5124 WIN Slave Transmitter Module257.53 121-5745 ADN-32-15-I-PPS-A 32mm bore x 15mm stroke71.62maintenance instead of costly downtime. 185-3038 WIN KombiSIGN 71 Base Unit453.60 This 3 phase monitoring relay offers configuration202-8833 ADN-32-30-A-PPS-A 32mm bore x 30mm stroke76.66via FREE Zelio NFC Android App, simplifying setup 184-5126 Red KombiSIGN LED Module35.84 121-5755 ADN-32-50-I-PPS-A 32mm bore x 50mm stroke83.42 Capable of monitoring phase asymmetry, phase failure detection, under/overvoltage,184-5128 Amber KombiSIGN LED Module35.84 822-4046 20AG-X4G-PH100 G0.2bar to 8bar202.54 121-5762 ADN-40-10-I-PPS-A 40mm bore x 10mm stroke89.38over & under frequency with 2 C/O184-5127 Green KombiSIGN LED Module35.84 218-0143 20AG-X4G-PH103G0.2bar to 8bar294.00outputs with adjustable thresholds 121-5770 ADN-40-30-I-PPS-A 40mm bore x 30mm stroke96.95455-3407 KombiSIGN Terminal Unit20.63 218-0144 20AG-X6G-PH100G0.2bar to 8bar653.11 121-5774 ADN-40-50-I-PPS-A 40mm bore x 50mm stroke104.54179-0019 RMNF22TB30 (120-480Vac)163.82 314-7332 KombiSIGN Tube Mounting Base17.57 218-0146 20AG-X8G-PH100 G 1 0.2bar to 8bar653.11 202-8861 ADN-63-60-A-PPS-A 63mm bore x60mm stroke149.686 uk.rs-online.com uk.rs-online.com 7'