b'EXPECTINGTHE UNEXPECTEDEven the most comprehensive contingency plan stillasset managers to take action before a minor issue involves some degree of downtime. Componentspirals into a real problem. Reliability is improved, but checks can be up-to-date and machinery kept in goodunforeseen circumstances inevitably still lead to costly condition, but sometimes things just break. In thesedowntime. cases, you react as quickly as possible to resolve the issue and resume operation.To fully optimise maintenance processes, a holistic approach to enterprise asset management is needed. Its what youve always done. This is a basic level ofDigital technology can enable us to accurately identify maintenance maturity, driven by a reactive approachemerging issues before they happen. A best-in-class to asset management. It worksbut it could come atmaintenance solution monitors individual components a financial and reputational cost. With basic systemsas well as the whole system, meaning differentin place, maintenance resources are focused on fixessolutions are available for every part of a planteven rather than the development of better strategies. if one function is working at a high level of maturity and another is at a low level. Thats where RSIntermediate maintenance strategies predict Maintenance Solutions can help.potential issues for certain components, allowing CLICK HEREto find out why we takemaintenance so seriously'