b'Product SupportWe know how important advice and technical support is to our customers.We understand that sometimes you need to ask a question or clarify a dimension, helping you to find the perfect production solution.Thats why we continue to provide product support via our team of qualified engineers, as well as access to product support resources - online, by phone or through our RS Local branches.Never get stuck again.Our Customer Service team can help understand your needs, offering product support or directing your enquiry to aqualified engineer - call 01 415 3100Speak to a live chat member via our website for help in finding products and technical informationAccess over 500,000 technical data sheets available at product level, saving you time and giving you 24/7 technical informationObtain additional technical data from a range of brands via our Designspark Product Data Library which contains datasheets, 3D models, application notes and more.ie.rs-online.com8'